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Don't Take A Look by Paul Ludford

Don't Take A Look

Set in the year 1916, Don't Take A Look follows the life of the Fraser family. So far untouched by the horrors of trench-warfare across the English Channel, the lives of this family are about to change forever, when they fish a stranger out of the cold waters of the Basingstoke canal.

Imagination Volume One by Paul Ludford

Imagination - Volume One

Imagination Volume One is a book of twenty short stories covering Drama, Romance, Fantasy, Pathos and Humour. It is an excellent read and very quickly the author draws you into this wonderful book of stories and imagination.

Easy reading.

Imagination Volume 2 by Paul Ludford

Imagination - Volume Two

Imagination Volume Two - Volume 2 continues this writers short story excellence, in which Paul has put together a further twenty short stories designed to draw the reader in and enjoy a pleasant read.

Easy reading.

Imagination 2 by Paul Ludford

Imagination 2

Imagination 2 - Allow your mind to wander as you delve into twenty short stories which are the product of the author’s imagination. The ideal book for those who enjoy a good read whenever the opportunity arises.

Easy reading.

Canaries on the Frontline by Paul Ludford

Canaries on the Frontline

Canaries on the Frontline - A collection of short stories, each of which has a connection with some aspect of war. Rather than thrilling accounts of fighting, the stories are more about the emotions of those who, through various circumstances, are affected by war.

Wartime drama.